Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It's been difficult motivating myself to write these past few months (read: year).

And it's incredibly unmotivating not to be able to write why.

On the inside cover of a Jodi Piccoult book (my current favorite author), she has written that her family life is so boring and uneventful she doesn't/can't draw story ideas from them.

My life is the opposite. There are too many incredibly "real life" events affecting me, my only option is to "fictionalize" these experiences as a form of expression and release. And I can only do that in the creative writing course I'm currently taking.

The creative writing class I'm in is a work shopping type of class. All the students submit "stories" and everyone in the class critiques the writing for grammar, plot, story arc, etc. Both full stories I've submitted are an attempt at putting to paper my real life experiences because I can't write or express myself in any other way.

What is challenging and ironic is how other students will comment on my "story" as not being authentic or believable--which clearly is not the case. There is a staggering difference of ages in the class, and I would say most if not all of these students don't have enough life experience to appreciate what I might be writing about.

I suppose I should be grateful for some form of expression, as other than the occasional therapy, I'm stuck internalizing everything that is happening to me.

I'm not even journaling anymore--couldn't tell you where my current few journals are (I keep more than one).

I know to a certain degree I should just "get over it", but that's always easier said than done. When you're in a rut of a large magnitude, it's hard to see your way out.


Amanda said...

Blogs are funny things, because (I think) they are meant for expression, like you said, and for documenting memories. But sometimes they become burdens. Something on the To Do List. Something that makes us feel guilty for neglecting. Have we become boring? Why do we have nothing to write about? Do we lack inspiration? Are we empty inside?

Your writing class is your outlet right now, and the blogging will come. Don't let it weigh you down.

If you like, I could send you topic 'ideas', then you have to write a post about them. Just an idea if you feel like you need a kick-start. I've also seen other people blog everyday for a month. Making that commitment forces you to get with what you write about. Like emptying a junk drawer and writing about the objects you find...

Just some thoughts!

Amanda said...

That should say 'get CREATIVE with what you write about..."
